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Last Sunday

Risking all for God - Nehemiah 1 - 2 - (Video) - Gareth Armstrong - Morning Service
The book opens with Nehemiah living and working in a foreign land. Artaxerxes is on the throne in Persia and Nehemiah, the Jew is there in exile working as a top civil servant. Life for him could have been really comfortable, well paid, keep your nose clean and a successful future awaits. However Nehemiah hears news that shakes him to the core, news of the physical and spiritual state of Jerusalem that requires Nehemiah to risk all in response to God’s call.

Sermons by Series

2 Thessalonians
Cultivating an appetite for the things of God
Going Against The Flow
Know Jesus + the power of His ressurection
As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Luke 9:51
Hope Joy Peace
Proverbs: Wise Up
Life in Christ | The Book of Philippians
Mission: Local | The Book of Acts
Jesus: Hope for a Broken World | All-Age Service Series 2015
Who Is Your God?