As a church, we have taken our time to cover Matthew’s experience as a disciple of the Lord Jesus. This final section starts and finishes on a mountain top. On both occasions those present are both challenged and blessed. The transfiguration of Jesus was clearly a terrifying experience (Matthew 17:6), but it was an experience that would live with them forever. On the last mountain top, his disciples are commissioned to make disciples in and of all nations.
However, Christian discipleship is not all mountain tops, and Matthew takes us through the valley between, hiding nothing. We are told again of demons, the reality of broken relationships, failed marriages, and selfishness. Before Matthew recounts the betrayal, death and resurrection of the King, he recounts all the King told us of the Kingdom and its coming.
May we too, like the first disciples, be blessed as well as challenged on the mountain tops. May we also be helped and encouraged through the very real difficulties to be found on the valley floor in order to live for Jesus today.