
Welcome to Prayer at Bellevue Chapel

As a community of people seeking to live as disciples of Jesus, we have witnessed the power of prayer and aim to build it into the rhythm of our lives. We place a high priority on following His teaching and the Bible's instruction to pray "on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests" (Ephesians 6:18).   Prayer is an important part of all our gatherings but we also have regular times focused on prayer.

Prayer Times

In January, we meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7.45-8.45pm. There is an option to join via Zoom – for the details see here.

In February, we return to meeting every fortnight, beginning on the 11th, on Tuesday evenings from 7:45-8:45. Our prayer focus for February is 'Families.' There is an option to join via Zoom - for details see here.

At all these sessions we pray for each other, our community and the world.  You are warmly invited to join us.

Prayer Resources

To help us build prayer in to our daily and weekly routines, we have put together a few resources below (click on the images?). Also, if you would like to us to pray for or with you, please do email us at and one of the prayer team will be in touch.

Lectio 365 is a daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. It helps you to pause and be still, rejoice with a psalm and reflect on scripture, ask for God’s help, and yield to His will in your life.

PrayerMate helps you pray consistently for the people and causes you care about. Develop a discipline of prayer as PrayerMate helps you organise your prayer life, know what to pray for, and actually pray.


Daily Devotionals

There are many daily devotionals on the You Version Bible app. Here are three on prayer which might be of interest.

Tim Keller explores the power of prayer, and how readers can make prayers more personal and powerful, forging a deeper connection with God.

This is a 7 day Prayer Basics plan based on the Alpha prayer course by Nicky Gumbel and Pete Greig.

This 14 day guide from Tearfund invites you to prayerfully reflect as you read Scripture, so that your choices will enable a greater transformation in your life and the lives of others.


Books on Prayer

Finally, if you’re interested in books on prayer. Why not check out the following –