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Last Sunday

Jesus: The Father's Son - (Video) - Ken Brown - Morning Service
As we continue our deep study of the Gospel of John, Ken brings the message from John 5:19-29 titled Jesus: The Father's Son. Christ's identity is in His Father and He did not back down or diminish it when confronted by those who wished to kill Him. Where does your identity lie? "It matters what you believe, yes it does, but it matters that it lives out in your life and the lives of people around you."

Sermons by Series

2 Thessalonians
Cultivating an appetite for the things of God
Going Against The Flow
Know Jesus + the power of His ressurection
As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Luke 9:51
Hope Joy Peace
Proverbs: Wise Up
Life in Christ | The Book of Philippians
Mission: Local | The Book of Acts
Jesus: Hope for a Broken World | All-Age Service Series 2015
Who Is Your God?