Exodus: Knowing God in the Wilderness

Following the amazing rescue of Israel from slavery in Egypt, where God revealed himself as Israel’s saviour, God leads his people into the desert. The remaining chapters of Exodus take place in the wilderness. It is in this wilderness that God seeks to teach the people of Israel what it means to knows him.


For us too as Christians travelling through the wilderness moments of our journey with God can also be places of revelation, as God draws us deeper into relationship with himself.

Series Sermons

Exodus 16:1 - 17:7 - Knowing God's Provision - David Meredith (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, April 24, 2022
The cook book in the Exodus could have been titled, ‘Forty meals from manna.’ Chapters 16 and 17 reveal how God provided food for a disgruntled people out of his sheer grace and love. In this chapter we see a variety of issues from the ease at which we can drift into grumbling to the purpose of God’s testing in our lives. Testing from God does not look for failure but trains for fruitfulness. The bigger picture of the chapters reveals that manna from heaven points to Jesus who is the ultimate and final bread of heaven. In tough days which seem like miles of desert, God encourages us to look towards the desert and see the glory of God in Christ. There is a spread table in the wilderness.
Exodus 17:8-16 - Knowing God in Difficulty - David Knowles (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, May 1, 2022
The very first battle God's people would fight provided a lesson for them on how to win, in doing so we get valuable insights into how as Christians we too must fight battles if we are to stand against the many things in ,life today that if not defeated have the potential to ruin our Christian life and witness
Exodus 19:1-25 - Knowing God's Holiness - Jim Gladstone (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, May 8, 2022
Exodus 19 witnesses the Israelites’ arrival at Sinai, having graciously been rescued by God from Egypt. Before giving them a code to live by, the Law given in chapter 20, God reveals his holiness to them by a series of instructions given through Moses. This sermon notes the indicators of God’s holiness all through the chapter. It considers God’s call to the people to respond to their rescue and salvation by personal and corporate obedience. Furthermore it considers the specific call of a holy God to his “treasured possession” that they will consecrate themselves and display holiness in their own lives, never forgetting God’s holiness. Parallels are noted throughout with the situation of the believer in Christ today who has likewise been rescued from slavery by a gracious and holy God, and who is called to respond in obedience and holy living.
Exodus 20:1-21 - Knowing God's Commands - Adrian Armstrong (Video) (Audio Only)
Morning Service, Sunday, May 15, 2022
The commandments matter, not because they are rules, but because they are God’s word to us. And God’s word is the way to life. The commandments are not the basis of our relationship with God. Instead, we are in relationship with God because he is our creator and our saviour. Like a parent who loves their children and seeks to guide their children so they might flourish, God loves us, and gives us the commandments that we might truly live.
Exodus 23: 20-33 - Knowing God ahead of us - David Knowles (Video) (Audio Only)
Morning Service, Sunday, May 22, 2022
Along with all the laws and commandments God also gave Israel some specific promises that would make their journey to Canaan a successful one. Along with the promises were requirements to put God at the centre if the blessings were to be gained. These basic principles of obedience to God in response to all His promises hold true today
Exodus 24:1-18 - Knowing God in Obedience - Jonathan Gemmell (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, May 29, 2022
Exodus 24 is almost as good as it gets in the Old Testament. The covenant is ratified, close fellowship is experienced and the 74 men eat and drink in God’s presence. However, awesome as this is it is latently frustrating and we need to wait for the person and work of the Lord Jesus before things get much, much better.
Exodus 32:1 - 33:6 - Knowing God in Failure - Adrian Armstrong (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, June 5, 2022
Crises come in our lives. The way to face these moments is to remember who God is, and all he has done for us. But if we forget God, we will fail. For when we forget God, we easily turn away from God and then it’s easy to make the turn towards idols, idols that cannot save us. When we fail, there can be no moving forward unless we rid our lives of idols. Thankfully God in Christ has provide us for a way to begin again from failure. With God there is always a way to move forward after failure.
Exodus 33:12 - 34:10 - Knowing God's Presence - George Campbell (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, June 12, 2022