Romans 9:1-11 - Who Can Explain God?

These three chapters of the letter of Romans are not always easy to understand. Paul is writing with great emotion about the failure of his own people the Jews to accept Jesus as Lord.  He writes however with great hope and expectation that as God has accepted non-Jews into his family, so his people Israel, if they trust Christ have not been rejected forever.

The chapters contain promises of God’s faithfulness, reminders of his sovereignty and justice, and also warnings not to take faith for granted.  Ultimately Paul finally confesses our Sovereign God can’t be reduced to human understanding. He is simply unfathomable, but his mercy and riches of grace are also deep.

Series Sermons

Religious Privilege Doesn't exist - Jim Gladstone (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, October 16, 2022
Having rejoiced at the end of chapter 8 in the truth that nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Paul now expresses sorrow for his fellow Jews who have not trusted in Christ. Their reliance on their religious privilege is not an expression of faith. We too can rely all too easily on the Christian heritage of our nation or our families but this also is not enough for salvation. Christ is the only way, though sadly he remains for some a stumbling block.
It all depends on God - Alex Warren (Video)
Morning Service, Saturday, October 22, 2022
If the Jews are God’s special people, why is it that so many have failed to trust in Jesus? Has God’s word failed? Does this mean that God’s promises can’t be trusted? Paul reassures us that God’s word has not failed. Salvation doesn’t depend on who our parents are, nor on our works but rather on God’s sovereign choosing, both for the Jews in Paul’s day and for us today. This is not unfair, rather it’s all down to God’s mercy. He is working in this world to save an uncountable multitude of people for himself from all tribes and tongues and nations. All underserving sinners, brought into relationship with God. We also see that no one who comes to Jesus is ever turned away, whoever they are, whatever they have done. God is patiently working out his extraordinary plan – it all depends on him. Will we bow the knee in worship and wonder to our sovereign, merciful, all-wise God?
Salvation within the reach of all - George Campbell (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, October 30, 2022
As we consider this passage in the context of the whole biblical story, as it reveals God's salvation plan, we are implored to consider whether we are accepting our need to be saved, whether we are trusting in Jesus for our salvation, and whether we have lost sight of God's grace in our lives.
Faith comes from hearing - John Hannah (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, November 6, 2022
Paul issues the challenge to those who have faith to ensure they share it with others, because it needs to be heard and preached.
Romans 11:1-16 - Down but not out - Alan Paterson (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, November 13, 2022
The idea of a remnant is one scripture draws on several times. Paul reminds his readers that God has always had His own people faithful to him. Even remnants can bring great blessing
Romans 11:17 - 24 - God is kind and severe - Adrian Armstrong (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, November 20, 2022
Paul is talking about boasting. Paul was seeing many Gentiles – those outside the Jewish faith – come to faith in Jesus. In our passage, Paul deals with the issue of those Gentiles who were in danger of boasting, thinking themselves more important than Jewish people who had not come to faith. But he also looks with hope to God’s great kindness and power, that more Jewish people might be saved.
Romans 11: 25 - 36: God's Open Door To All - Alex Warren (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, November 27, 2022
As Paul closes this section of Roman he wants his readers to bow in wonder and worship at the wisdom of God’s plan of salvation through Jesus. We see that God still has a plan to save Jewish people, even those who are currently hardened against the gospel. This reminds us that God can save the most unlikely and hard-hearted people. God’s plan is an extraordinary one, since he uses the attractiveness of his mercy in the life of the Gentiles to bring Jewish people to Jesus. From this we learn that God’s mercy at work in our lives and in our churches is deeply attractive to others, and God will use this to bring people to Christ. No-one deserves salvation, neither Jews nor gentiles, but it is all by God’s mercy and therefore all the glory is due to him.