John's Gospel: A year to know Jesus better

Life can mean many things to us; it’s the things we do, the people we know, the experiences we
have. It is however about a lot more than that, the Bible tells us that life was given to us by God;
it’s a gift of great meaning and value.
During the whole of 2025 in our morning services we will be studying the Gospel of John. John
very clearly tells us why the gospel is so important;
“that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by
believing you may have life in His name”
Getting to know Jesus is an exciting and life long journey; although he only spent 3 years on earth,
the message of Jesus is an eternal one and so we will always have more to learn about him.
John the son of Zebedee wrote this Gospel. He was a Palestinian Jew, one of the 12 disciples,
and a member of Jesus’ inner circle of disciples. He was referred to as the disciple “whom Jesus
loved” ( 13:23 ). He likely wrote his Gospel account between 70AD the date Jerusalem and the
temple were destroyed by Rome and 100AD when it is thought John died. It was likely written from
Ephesus in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), one of the most important cities of the Roman
Empire at the time. His original audience consisted of Jews and Gentiles living in the larger Greco-
Roman world in Ephesus and beyond.
If you are familiar with the other Gospels then you will recognise that John’s record of the life of
Jesus is different. John leaves out some things the others record, there is no mention for instance
of the birth of Jesus. On the other hand it’s only John who tells us of the Wedding in Cana, the
encounters with Nicodemus and the Samaritan Women.
Taking a whole year to work through the Gospel will be an excellent opportunity for the church
together to learn more of the Lord Jesus. John will tell us clearly who Jesus is; he will present to
us the wonderful relationship of the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We will learn about
Salvation and Eternal Life, and we will receive the challenge to continue Jesus Mission.
Woven into the story will be what John calls signs, indicators of who Jesus is and which also point
clearly to God. We will hear Jesus describe himself in terms like Bread; Water; Doors, they
appear simple and easy to understand and yet contain incredibly deep truths about Jesus and his
So as we embark on 2025, why not challenge yourself to read John’s Gospel several times
through the year, in addition to your preferred version, try reading it in a paraphrase like the New
Living Translation or The Message.
If you want to dig a little deeper for yourself there are a great many commentaries that have been
written that will explore John’s gospel. The following are recommended.
 John for Everyone by Tom Wright (2 Volumes)
 The Message of John by Bruce Milne part of the ‘Bible Speaks Today’ series.
 John For You by Josh Moody (2 Volumes)

Series Sermons

In The Beginning - David Knowles (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, January 5, 2025
Kick-off sermon for a year-long study of the gospel of John. How well do you know Jesus? Let's delve deeper into the book of John and learn more about Christ and how to know Him better.
Behold the Lamb of God - Tim Haddow (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, January 12, 2025
Tim Haddow brings the second message in the Gospel of John series for 2025, A Year to Know Jesus Better. The focus is in this message is of John the Baptist's testimony of Jesus: the Lamb and the Spirit.
Follow Me - Adrian Armstrong (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, January 19, 2025
Life is full of choices, things we're chasing after consciously or not, and looking at our own particular dream/vision of what life is all about. What place does Jesus Christ have in your pursuit of your dream/vision of life? Adrian helps us understand more deeply the place that Christ should have in our lives, and in our pursuit of life.
A Wedding Like No Other - John Hannah (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, January 26, 2025
Message brought by John Hannah: This passage shares the first sign (miracle) Jesus performs showing Himself as the Messiah.This story of Jesus also sheds light into the relationship with his mother. His mother had full confidence in what Jesus could do. Do we?
A Sign to Remember - Colin MacNeill (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, February 2, 2025
Scripture reading, and message from Gospel of John series: A Year to Know Jesus Better Who is Jesus? What is the nature of God's love? Where do we fit in? Colin delves into these questions from the Gospel of John in our Year to Know Jesus Better series for 2025.
God So Loved the World He Gave His Son - Ian Naismith (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, February 9, 2025
Continuing our deeper study in the Gospel of John: A Year to Know Jesus Better, the passage includes the central and most important message in the Bible, John 3:16 (John 2:23 - 3:21): "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
He is Above All - George Campbell (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, February 16, 2025
Jesus is above all. He was at the beginning and spoke the world into existence. He is still with us. We can know this. We can have faith in this. And He wants us to live with Him for all eternity.
The Well of Living Water - Alan Paterson (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, February 23, 2025
Alan expertly guides us through the exploration of the story of Jesus and the woman at the well and her learning of the Well of Living Water.
Fields to be Harvested - Alan Paterson (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, March 2, 2025
A further study of the story of the Woman at the Well and how her sharing the news of Jesus spread throughout the area and many came to believe and want to hear Jesus teach. Know the Identity, the Mission, and the Call of God.
Belief - Tim Ellis (Video)
Morning Service, Sunday, March 9, 2025
Tim Ellis shares about John 4:43-54, Jesus heals the official's son. He takes us more in depth sharing about the stages of faith: Crisis Faith - requires the power of Jesus, Confident Faith - responds to the word of Jesus, Confirmed Faith - recognises the person of Jesus, and Consistent Faith - rests on the intercession of Jesus.