Easter Reader 2016

Luke 18: 31-34 - Small Passage, Important Information!
6th March 2016

In these verses Jesus once again tells his disciples what is going to happen to him but not surprisingly they don't seem to get it. Does the fact that Jesus has already told them about his death suggest that he wants to show that if he is trying to tell us something and we don't understand, then as long as we keep listening for his voice he will persevere?  To quote an old saying "there's none so deaf as those that don't want to hear!"


I also wonder why Jesus didn't make them understand. Perhaps he knew how upset they would be if they understood his meaning and so decided to let them live in ignorance a little longer and possibly prevent them trying to stop him from making the journey to Jerusalem. 


Verse 33 is so short that you could almost miss it and yet it contains one of the most important phrases in the bible - that Jesus would rise again. It is a welcome final part to a difficult read to which we can respond Hallelujah!                                                                 

Diane Davidson

Luke 18: 35-43 - Jesus Heals A Blind Beggar
7th March 2016

Q. What happened in this story?

A. A blind beggar kept shouting out loudly to Jesus because he wanted to meet him.

A. The blind man wanted to speak to Jesus because he knew Jesus was special and could heal him.

A. The crowds thought that Jesus wouldn’t be interested in the man.


Q. How does this story make you feel?

A. This story makes me feel happy but also a bit sad that the man was blind and couldn’t see.

A. He must have been miserable and unhappy but once Jesus healed him he was thankful and happy.


Q. What can we learn from this story?

A. The man knew Jesus was special and powerful and could heal him.

A. This story shows what a kind, caring man Jesus was. He didn’t ignore the beggar but stopped to help the beggar who probably didn’t smell very nice and wasn’t wearing very nice clothes.

A. Jesus can help everyone who really needs help, not just popular and nice people.

A. Jesus can help us when we are at school, clubs or playing with our friends.

A. When the beggar met Jesus it made a big difference to his life – he could see again and followed Jesus.

A. We shouldn’t ignore people who are a bit odd – we should show them love and kindness like Jesus did.


Q. How does this story fit in with the Easter Message?

A. Jesus died for everyone - that’s why he is special.

A. Jesus died on the cross at Easter to forgive us and heal us.

A. We need to trust in Jesus like the man did.


Alasdair, Ann Emma, Blaire, Cameron, Chloe, Emily, Eve, Fraser, Jess, Kevin, Megan, Olivia & Sophie.                                                                                                                                                      BAC P3 & 4 Group

Luke 19: 1-10 - Never Ending, Never Failing Love
8th March 2016

This passage shows God’s never ending, never failing love for all of us. It highlights that despite all our wrongdoings and all our sin, Jesus does the unexpected. He gives us a second chance - he gives us numerous second chances.


There are four things we can take from this short passage.


Firstly, he sees Zacchaeus. We can be sure that God knows each and every one of us; he knows the number of hairs on our heads and every thought that we have. He wants us to recognise him in return.


Secondly, he calls Zacchaeus by name. We are also called by name to have a relationship with him where we can grow, develop and love the Lord Jesus.


Thirdly, he stays with him. Jesus goes with Zacchaeus to his home. We are reminded here that no matter where we are we will always have Jesus walking along beside us.


Finally, Jesus blesses him. Whenever we turn to Christ and live our lives daily for him, we can be sure that he will pour out blessings on us.


In the lead up to Easter we should remember all that Christ has sacrificed for us; by taking our place on the cross and dying for our sins, we can be sure of eternal life with him.                                                                       

Amy Parks

A Re:Vue of Luke 19: 28-44
9th March 2016

Some things we noticed:


V35 - They threw their coats on the dirty ground for a donkey to trample; this was their version of the red carpet. Would we give up our prized possessions for Jesus? Would we publicly display our faith like this?


V37 - The crowd that are praising here might be the same crowd who soon call for Barabbas to be freed instead of Jesus; they are one thing one minute and another the next. We need to be careful not to follow the crowd or give in to peer pressure about what we believe.


V38 - This verse reminds us of the Christmas story; ‘Peace in heaven and glory to God in the highest’ is like the song of the angels to the shepherds at Jesus’ birth; did the crowd know this? The repetition reminds us that Jesus came as a baby with a purpose to fulfil on earth; this purpose is drawing near. 


V40 - What about the stones crying out? Jesus says if the disciples shut up, creation would do the praising for them. We would love to have seen that happen and recognise that even if we keep silent, creation will always show that God exists.


V41 - Why was Jesus crying over Jerusalem? Jesus foresees the death and destruction of Jerusalem and how the people, who should have seen that he was God, didn't, so experience spiritual death. Another time that Jesus cried was when his friend Lazarus had died.  Despite his power over it, death and its consequences upset Jesus as he came to bring life.


Sam, Mary, Robbie, Patrick, Thomas, Sarah, Amy & Clare


Luke 19: 45-48 - Jesus at the Temple
10th March 2016

In this passage Jesus drives out the traders from the courts of the temple. The trading took place in the outer court also known as the court of the Gentiles where those coming to the temple bought animal sacrifices and changed their Roman currency into acceptable Jewish currency. Both of these activities were part of the day to day running of the temple. However, the priests were over-charging people and taking advantage of the situation for their own profit. Christ didn’t want his house turned into a money-making business where people were exploited. Christ, being God, was angered by this injustice and drove them out and revealed to them the purpose of the temple: a building where Jews could gather to pray and worship God.


How would Jesus react to the sin in our lives? Because of his holiness he cannot stand our sin. He came to die on the cross at Calvary to purify us from our sins and set us free. He did this so that we could be brought back into a perfect relationship with God.


Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson,
they shall become like wool.

Isaiah 1:18 (ESV)


Praise the Lord who through his death on the cross has the power to cancel sin and present us before God as blameless and beyond reproach. (Col 1:21)                                                              

Rachel Nelson

Luke 20: 1-8 - Questions, Questions
11th March 2016

On first reading it may seem like Jesus is being rude; he is asked a question but instead of answering the question he asks another question.  We may not be accustomed to this style of dialogue, but apparently this was a very normal way of interacting in the culture.


The teachers of the law couldn’t – or rather wouldn’t – answer the question that Jesus put to them.  It’s staggering that they were more interested in maintaining their own position in society than acknowledging that the Messiah they were waiting for was with them.  They were the teachers of the law, surely it was their job to recognise Jesus as the Messiah! Then again, perhaps it’s not so staggering - don’t we all know friends or colleagues who would rather not acknowledge the truth of Jesus in order to maintain their current lifestyle?


Where do you stand?  Who is Jesus to you? It’s a challenging question – does Jesus have authority in your life?  On a Saturday night or on a Monday morning  do you acknowledge Jesus as Lord and submit to his authority?  What does it mean to do so? Think about the words you say, are they helpful and encouraging, or bitter and mean? Your actions - do you perform your work to the best of your abilities or do you find shortcuts? Do you look for opportunities to offer to help others?  Questions, questions.  Let’s keep asking them and keep alive to the reality of Jesus living in our lives.                                                                                                                  

Andrea Fairfield

Luke 20: 9-19
12th March 2016

Jesus revealed the thoughts of the leadership of the temple through the parable about the tenants of a vineyard who beat, sent away with no fruit, treated shamefully the messengers and threw the beloved son out of the vineyard, killing him in order to seize the vineyard (Luke 20:9-11). The parable did not change the intended plans of the leaders of the temple.


Jesus was gracious and gave the hearers another chance, asking the meaning of the written word, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone."  However, they still didn't change their minds (Luke 20:19). Jesus is as essential in our lives, in the local community, and in church life as the cornerstone is for a building.


This parable is for all of us, not just the church leadership. We all need Jesus Christ. The parable addresses the growth of our character and attitude, which depend on our daily response to Christ. To live a life that is Christ-centred will mean looking after each other, treating each other with respect, and showing one another kindness. We have all been given responsibilities and should carry them out in a manner that reflects the person of Jesus.


Jesus is the hero who is interested in us as we are and is seeking to transform us.

Don't reject, rather, develop your confidence in Jesus Christ and in his unique word.


Gervais & Esther Nyandwi

Luke 20: 20-26 - God and Caesar
13th March 2016

With the people’s cries of, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” still grating in their ears, the teachers of the law and the chief priests were forced to sharpen their skills of deception and trickery even further.  In this passage we read that they went to extraordinary lengths to seek to entrap the Lord Jesus by, “sending spies, who pretended to be honest.” Their question to him was subtle and clever - “Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” Caesar was the figurehead of the occupying Roman power. A response of “yes” would have instantly undermined the Saviour’s claimed authority as Messiah, but had he said “no” there would have been given to them the perfect opportunity to arrest him as a rebel. Instead, the Lord’s reply was so wise that it silenced them.


Payroll departments, pension companies and direct debit arrangements with local authorities all help to make the obligation of “giving to Caesar” as painless as possible for us. However, there is a flip side to the coin, so to speak, and that is the vastly more important matter of our responsibility to “give to God”, not in a perfunctory manner, but spontaneously from the heart.  Easter is fast approaching, with its centre the Lord Jesus, the Son of God who gave himself for us. In the light of such immense sacrifice, what shall we give him today in response?


Saviour Thy dying love, Thou gavest me;

Nor should I aught withhold, my Lord from Thee;

In love my soul would bow, my heart fulfil its vow,

Some offering bring Thee now, something for Thee.

S D Phelps (1816-95)


John Sneddon

Luke 20: 27-40 - Knowing and Believing
14th March 2016

This passage hinges on a fundamental tenet of our faith, the question of the resurrection. The Sadducees who asked the question, “denied that there is a resurrection” and their question was aimed at discrediting the very idea.  Jesus answers them from Scripture, showing that there is life beyond the grave. 


After the resurrection of Jesus this same heresy arose among some of the early converts, causing Paul to write, “how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?” (1 Cor 15:12)


Even today there are some who claim to be followers of Jesus yet have similarly abandoned the authority of Scripture and do not accept that he rose from the dead.


What will be our response?  With grace and humility we must do what our Lord did –

respond with God’s word.  Paul, writing to Timothy, reminds us that, “all Scripture is God breathed” (2 Tim 3:16). So let us seek to know all that God has set out for us in his word, so that we are, “prepared to make a defence” (1 Pet 3:15) to any who would pervert the word of God.


Christ has risen!  Hallelujah!


With regard to the life to come, John records Jesus’ words,  “I go to prepare a place for you.”  


Our trust in Jesus involves knowing and believing what he has said.                                                                                                        

Agnes Guthrie

Luke 20: 41-47 - Work on the Inner You!
15th March 2016

Jesus concludes this question and answer session with the teachers (the Pharisees) by warning his disciples not to be taken in by those with a sense of self-righteousness and status based on their adherence to rules (the ‘law’).  As Christiaan our senior pastor shared recently, the Pharisees loved the rules, lived the rules and at times made up the rules.  Such ‘religion’ is self-forgiving.   It leads one to believe that one finds favour by being good - salvation based on works rather than salvation based on the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus.    A self-forgiving approach leads to pride and a misplaced sense of superiority and status -  ‘ticking the boxes’ had become the Pharisees’ focus.


It seems to us that Jesus is warning his disciples against religious pretentiousness.  Self- salvation may produce moral behaviour but it ignores Jesus and results in the misplaced sense of pride and hierarchy described in the text.


The Christian life is not about status, hierarchy, or feeling superior to others.  The outward appearance that we are encouraged to strive after is one that reflects a close inner relationship with Jesus founded on his grace, love, compassion, and forgiveness.


May our Easter prayer be that our lives would reflect so much of Jesus Christ that others will be attracted to him.


Other scriptures to reflect on: 1 Samuel 16:7, Psalm 51:1.                                                                                             

Iain & Dorothy Liddell

Luke 21: 1-4 - Sacrificial Love
16th March 2016

In this passage we read about a poor widow who gives two “very small copper coins” into the temple treasury. We learn that this gift was not just any gift, this gift was of particular significance because this lady gave all that she had to live on.


As we look toward Easter we are prompted to reflect upon what it means to give sacrificially and to love sacrificially. If I am honest, such reflection can cause me to feel somewhat uncomfortable. I wrestle with the concept of God loving an imperfect people so deeply and so passionately that he was prepared to allow his Son to die a cruel and agonising death. It is in fact a gruesome picture if we allow ourselves to think about Jesus gasping for breath, suffering from the pain in his damaged hands, the piercing of his side and the thorn imprints on his head. The horror is only magnified by the darkness and loneliness of Golgotha’s hill. 


Yet this somewhat “uncomfortable” view of Easter must exist so that God in all his wisdom might rescue us from our disobedience and waywardness through the death of his Son on a cross. Grace is his free gift to us. It fosters renewal. It erases all guilt. It sets us free. We can live in the knowledge that he is in control of our lives bringing purpose, meaning, and peace in the midst of chaos. Such grace inspires me to think afresh about how I might love and give sacrificially knowing that such grace transforms our relationships, restores our marriages, provides healing to our broken hearts, and brings inclusion for the marginalised.


I can only conclude that there is a powerful beauty associated with the events of Easter which is altogether humbling.


Hosanna, Hosanna,

You are the God who saves us,

Worthy of all our praises.

Paul Baloche



Donna Hofstra

Luke 21: 5-36 - The Waiting Room
17th March 2016

This passage is a reminder that this age is like being in a waiting room. We have arrived at the station and our ticket has been purchased. But when Jesus died, rose again and ascended, that wasn’t the end of God’s plan. We are still waiting for the train. However, Jesus predicts that this waiting phase won’t be as easy as a waiting room. Jerusalem will fall and the disciples will be betrayed and tortured even to death. We continue to see these prophecies being fulfilled through wars and the persecution and killing of Christians. However, we also see a spiritual war being fought against the sin inside and around us.


The great encouragement?  We are waiting for an awesome sight!  Jesus will come again in power and great glory (v27). What he expects of us is that when he returns we are standing firm in our fight against evil (v19) and on our reliance on God’s Word (v33).  Jesus does not want spiritually content, comfortable Christians. He wants Christians who are striving in the Spirit against the spiritual powers of this world. This passage made me think about my apathy: my lack of passion for his word, for prayer, for evangelism and for purity of heart and life. 


One day, he is coming back, majestic, glorious and looking for those standing firm in the fight.


Therefore, put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand.

Ephesians 6:13



Rachel McLoughlan

Luke 22: 1-6 - Facing the right direction?
18th March 2016

Last year I came across a worship song which includes the line, “I’m learning to walk in the paths of grace: It’s not where you are, it’s the way you face.”  What is my direction of travel and which way do I face? This passage seems to mark the moment that Judas turns to face a different direction. Away from a trusted friend, mentor and saviour and towards the instant rewards of money, power and popularity. Such familiar vices which if they came brightly labelled, we would know to avoid them! Satan however is subtle. Perhaps his greatest trick is luring us off the ‘path of grace’ and shifting our focus from Jesus. The hope in this apparently hopeless story is to realise that, “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more!” (Rom 5:20). Sin has been conquered! The journey of faith is not an easy one; niggling doubts, genuine fears and daily struggles can often take us further away from him. This Easter time we have a great opportunity to refresh our focus, to draw near to Christ, and to celebrate his wonderful grace.


Helen Packwood

Luke 22: 7-38 - The Last Supper
19th March 2016

Jesus was looking forward to this Passover meal with his disciples.  He had made meticulous preparations.


He had something important he wanted to share with them.


At Passover, the Jewish people celebrated Israel’s deliverance from the judgement which God rained down on Egypt. Their rescue was accomplished by the blood of a sacrificed lamb daubed on their doorframes. (Exodus 12)


As we read the account of this supper, how wonderfully helpful it is that Jesus taught his disciples about his suffering and its purpose by means of an action as well as by the words he spoke.  I’m pretty sure that they didn’t really grasp the significance of what Jesus was saying at the time – particularly when you look at the subsequent verses as they focus on who was going to betray Jesus or which of them was going to be the greatest.


However, each time they met together and repeated this action: shared bread and wine, food and drink together, they would surely be reminded of this evening they spent in Jesus’ company and a little more of what he had said would make sense; they would see the connection with the original Passover; they would grasp a little more of who he really was, what he’d done, how much he loved them.

Each time we meet together and celebrate this meal, we also get to see a little more of who Jesus is, what he’s done and how much he loves us.


Thank you  Jesus.


David Galloway

Luke 22: 39-46 - A Dark Night
20th March 2016

Daylight is fading and night descending as Jesus and his disciples make their way to the Mount of Olives (Gethsemane).  But evil forces of darkness are gathering too as they seek with all their might to dissuade Christ from taking the journey to the cross.

Jesus withdraws, kneels down and prays (v41).


Jesus, fully man, senses acutely the darkness, the loneliness, the anguish, and human recoil from suffering – “Father if you are willing take this cup from me.”  But then Jesus, fully God, is able to utter these wonderful words, “yet not my will but yours be done.”  What submission that assures salvation for all mankind! 


Truly we can never plumb the depths of anguish our Saviour suffered as he wrestled in prayer in that dark night in Gethsemane, but as we reflect on it may the Spirit reveal afresh to us the cost of our salvation.


May each one of us lift our own heart in worship and praise to this Jesus, our Saviour - God made man.


And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross.

Phil 2:8                                                                                                                 

Margaret Knowles

Luke 22: 47-53 - The Light that Shines in the Darkness
21st March 2016

I find this a very sad reading. Jesus and his disciples are outside Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives. Jesus has come from anguished prayer, while the disciples, without grasping what Jesus has been telling them, cannot keep themselves awake. They are then accosted by an alliance of religious leaders, Roman soldiers and armed guards, club-wielding conscripts, and Jesus’ own friend Judas, all unified by their desire to see Jesus seized and killed.


These people had chosen and willed Jesus’ death.  Now it seems within their power to carry it out. The constraints of keeping up appearances are removed. The depths of human cruelty, injustice and betrayal are allowed free reign.


The disciples, responding in fear for their lives, lash out violently. This again is a sad reflection of their spiritual state (and ours) that they try to counter the evil of their enemies by responding in like manner, to defend themselves, to hit back.  However, this is not Jesus’ way, and even now, he shows his compassion and grace by righting the wrongs committed by his own followers.


“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5). The whole extent of the world’s darkness is exposed by Jesus’ light, and can no longer be hidden behind hypocrisy and apparent respectability. Jesus alone in this passage shows an amazing love and grace as he faces the hatred and violence of an evil world, to rescue us – broken, fallen and sinful people whose only hope is in him.


Doug Wilson


Luke 22: 54-62 - Another Chance
22nd March 2016


Sometimes I feel for Peter.  He was such a dynamic and passionate disciple and yet this incident is probably the first thing that comes to mind when we think about him.

I wonder how Peter felt for the few days following this incident. It must have been agonising for him. I wonder if he told any of the other disciples what he’d done, how Jesus had looked at him, how he’d cried and cried and cried?  We don’t know.

What we do know is that when he was convicted of his sin, he knew enough of Jesus’ teaching and character to know that he had a second chance. We read in Matthew 27 that Judas, when faced with the realisation of what he’d done, was full of remorse (v3).  However he could not see a way out of the guilt he was immersed in.

Thank God today for the work that Jesus did on the cross, when he took our place, and the forgiveness we can receive which means we can all experience a second chance.  And a third one, and a fourth one…                           

Pamela Campbell

Luke 22: 63 - 23: 12 - Jesus on Trial
23rd March 2016

Jesus is standing in Pilate’s hall—
Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all…

His principal accusers were those who should have welcomed him most warmly.


Had he not shown by his teaching and his miracles that he was indeed the Messiah, the promised king of Israel?  But those who knew the scriptures best - the chief priests and the scribes - were those who were clamouring for his death.  He did not fit in with their agenda.


The accusers wanted to convince Pilate that Jesus was a threat to authority, but Pilate was difficult to convince.  So to get Jesus off his hands Pilate sent him to Herod, but all Herod wanted was a demonstration of miracles, and Jesus ignored him.


And where were his own disciples, his faithful followers?  Gone!


Are we, who profess to be his, always prepared to stand up for him when he is maligned or held to be irrelevant?


...What will you do with Jesus?

A.B. Simpson


Clark McIntyre

Luke 23: 13-25 - Choices
24th March 2016

I have one question in my mind after reading this passage: why did the crowd choose Barabbas rather than Jesus?


I stand beside Pilate and listen to him saying he can find “no fault” in Jesus.  He has done nothing wrong – nothing worthy of death. The perfect man.


I stand in the crowd rubbing shoulders with people who may have listened to Jesus’ teaching; who may have shared in the bread and fish supper when Jesus fed 5,000 people; who may have even known someone who Jesus had healed; surely no-one who had themselves been healed and I ask myself again: why did they choose Barabbas, a murderer and freedom fighter?


Then I ask myself: What voices do I allow to influence me when making important choices?  Do I listen to the  crowds around me; the media telling me how I should live my life; the general clamour around me; or do I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and wait quietly for the still small  voice?


Would I have found myself “in the crowd” who led Jesus away to be crucified?


I pray for courage to always choose Jesus and to walk the narrow way with him.      


Wilma Armstrong

Luke 23: 26-49 - The Crucifixion
25th March 2016

In this passage we find people who knew exactly who Jesus was, people who didn’t, and people who would come to realise. 


Those who do not know Jesus see fit to mock him and to laugh at him.  Can you think of a situation in your life when you just couldn’t have been more wrong about someone or something? Wrong in your thinking? Wrong in your speaking? Wrong in your actions? By the time you realise, the damage has been done and the justification underpinning your actions in thought and deed has been stripped away. You got it completely wrong.


Even those who knew Jesus couldn’t fully understand what was happening and why.  They wept and wailed.  To them it may have seemed that the victors were those putting Jesus to the cross.  Little did they know the obedience that was being exercised by Christ as he was being mocked and tested; and the humility in which he carried the cross to finish God’s work, on his terms and no one else’s. 


We learn in this passage, from the thief on the cross at least, that there is just no such thing as ‘realising too late’.  As the values underlying our actions in thought and deed are stripped away and replaced with the knowledge of and love for Christ Jesus, the cross means that no matter how wrong we have been, it has been made right, not by us, but by Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.


Kenneth & Annmarie Douglas

Luke 23: 50-56 - The Three Hour Window
26th March 2016

Three hours from the time Jesus died until the beginning of the Sabbath.

Reading the account of Jesus’ burial in all four gospels gives us a fuller picture of who was there and what happened in the three hours.

Joseph, originally from Arimathea but now living in Jerusalem, plays a prominent role. He was a member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish High Council, although he had not been in agreement with the decisions of the other religious leaders. By all accounts he was wealthy and had planned ahead for his own funeral arrangements by having a tomb carved out in rock and nearby. He went to Pilate and begged permission to bury the body of Jesus. He also had time to buy the linen cloth. Joseph up to now had been a fairly silent follower of Jesus, as had Nicodemus who is also mentioned as being there to help.

It is striking that there is no mention of any of the disciples being there and yet I find it hard to believe that they all walked away and did nothing. Removing a body from a cross was no mean feat and I think more than two must have been involved in this given the fact time was running out. We know the women were still there watching and following as they had plans to bring spices and ointments to anoint the body after the Sabbath.

Joseph was the right man, in the right place, at the right time.


Cathie Quinn

Luke 24: 1-12 - Life After Jesus' Death
27th March 2016

Today we read the aftermath of Jesus' death and share in a full range of emotions through the two Marys.

The observant women, having experienced the pain of losing Jesus, now return dutifully to the burial site still grieving. They are immediately faced with a defaced gravesite - the stone rolled away.  Abhorrent or confusing for them?  "What has ... How could ... Who ... Why would ..." Already emotionally drained this must have been a most bewildering sight, the explanation of which we now know is the cornerstone of our faith. Before they could think further they encounter heavenly angels to explain - were they amazed, overwhelmed, worried that given their fragile emotional state they were now starting to see things? And for the first time they encounter an explanation, a reminder of what Jesus had promised, a complete revelation!  All else forgotten, they now excitedly return to Jesus' disciples filled with joy, hope and good news.

This picture outlines the full spectrum of everyday emotions and responses that we encounter through life.  Many of the emotions describe how people respond to the empty tomb - saddened, uncertain, incredulous, doesn't make sense or utter joy! Life after Jesus' death simply goes on but in light of the empty tomb and our response to it, what changes is the sure knowledge that Jesus lives, conqueror of death, forgiver of sins, Lord of all!


Stuart Graham

Luke 24: 13-35 - Walk the Walk
28th March 2016

It had been a tough few days for Jesus' followers.  They had witnessed some terrible events. This teacher - king who had promised to be the new Messiah come to save them had been put to death.  Now some of the women claimed he had risen from the dead, like he had said. They had all doubted that the God who could heal the blind, make the lame walk, raise the dead could raise his Son!

It's amazing they did not recognise Jesus until he broke bread with them. They felt their hearts burn (v 32). Do we like these two friends feel his presence; do our hearts burn each day? Are we aware we are not walking this road alone or have we completely missed it?

These two friends are so overjoyed to have 'proof’, they walk back the full distance, all the way back to Jerusalem, the way they had come (v 33). Are we prepared to go the full distance to spread the good news?

This Easter will we take the message of the good news out and show others we are walking this walk and living with Jesus in our lives, as he has risen (v34) and lives for evermore?

The greatest day in history, death is beaten, you have rescued me
Sing it out, Jesus is alive!
The empty cross, the empty grave
Life eternal, you have won the day
Shout it out, Jesus is alive!
He's alive!!

Happy Day by Tim Hughes  

                                                                                                                                Julie Paterson

Luke 24: 36-53 - Scriptures Fulfilled, Now Preach It!!!
29th March 2016

Jesus appears in a miraculous manner startling the disciples. He reassures them and explains to them his life, death, and resurrection are the fulfilment of the three divisions of the Old Testament, the Law, Prophets and Psalms. In particular, Jesus’ death and resurrection was the fulfilment of God’s redemptive plan. A key theme in Luke is this fulfilment of scripture. It indicates there is no scripture that doesn’t bear its witness to Jesus. It’s all about Jesus!!


Jesus then goes on to command his followers that the message of his death and resurrection, the fulfilment of the scriptures, should be proclaimed in his name to all nations. God wants the whole world to hear and understand the truth of the gospel. This was the disciples’ task and they would be empowered by the Spirit to accomplish this task.


Jesus’ command to proclaim this gospel was not only for his original disciples, but is for all believers. It’s not optional, it’s a command. It’s not the ‘great suggestion’, it’s the great commission. Our nation is in a sorry state and we have a message that has the power to transform. The same Spirit who empowered the original disciples also dwells in us. Let’s impact our nation with this glorious gospel, in the power of this Spirit, for Jesus’ sake to the glory of God the Father.


I tell you, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor 6:2b)


Preach the mighty name of Jesus!!


Paul McLoughlan