11th Sept (Friday) - Leviticus 5: 1-13

11th September 2015

So far, in these ‘acts of atonement’, we have learned that the sacrifices of the intermediaries had to be greater; that the sacrifice accomplished complete forgiveness; and that it is always the Lord who provides the way for our reconciliation (i.e. it is never something we can think up ourselves!)  We can also learn from these sacrifices that they deal with the consequences of our sin.  Sin is never only an individual matter.  It has consequences not only in our relationship with God but in our relationship with others, and ultimately in the community we live in (including the community of believers).  In fact there is an interpretation of the passages we have read so far that the purpose of the blood was to cleanse the temple as well as the individual.  The Lord Jesus tell us “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5: 16).  The acts of atonement are not only concerned with the forgiveness of the individual who commits the sin (although praise God, the Cross does so in abundance!), but also with bringing into perfection the community that should resemble His kingdom on earth, and even the place where they worship.  Remember that our sin affects our witness to the world, as we cannot be light to the world if we are living in darkness.  Pray that you would bring every part of your life into the light, where His love and grace abounds and can shine through us.