Day 29 - The Best is Yet to Come

29th December 2018
John 11:24-26 English Standard Version (ESV)

24 Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

The events surrounding the birth of the Lord Jesus are certainly dramatic: angelic visitations, a star to follow, prophecies fulfilled and of course the virgin birth itself. And yet, as wonderful as these events are, they are just the start of a bigger, longer story. 

These verses take us to the other end of the Lord’s life, just days before His crucifixion. We arrive in the middle of the story of the resurrection of Lazarus and Jesus is in conversation with Martha. She shows amazing insight as she understands that there will come a day when her brother will be raised from the dead. Jesus then makes one of His great “I am”statements: “I am the resurrection and the life”.

If our picture of Jesus is limited to a baby in a manger (as wonderful as the incarnation of the Son of God is) then we will miss out on the big story. Jesus did not come to show us what a good life looks like or to give wise teaching (although He of course did those things). His purpose was much, much bigger than that. The Bible tells us that our last enemy is death; it is the devil’s ultimate weapon in keeping us far from God. Jesus dies on the cross…but is raised to life. God prevails over sin, death and the devil and because Jesus was raised we have assurance that when the day of His return comes, we too will be raised.

So as we celebrate the first coming of Jesus, we look forward to his second. Maranatha!

Come Lord Jesus!


George C