Matthew 18: 21-35 - Forgiveness

Recording Date: 
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Speaker Name: 
Adrian Armstrong
Morning Service
In Matthew 18 Jesus says that our forgiveness, like God’s forgiveness of us, should be limitless. Whether we are new to the Christian faith and just exploring it, or whether we have been on the Christian path for a lifetime, what Jesus has to say will challenge us. Because forgiveness is hard. Sin fundamentally damages our relationships. And in a world in which our relationships with God and others are essential to our humanity, this is a very serious problem indeed. Sin is a reality in our lives – we are wounded by what others do and say, and we wound others with what we do and say. Yet the good news is that faced with our wrong doing, God, in an astonishing act of grace, takes pity on us, cancels our debt – forgives us – and sets us free. This is the key to restoring our broken and lost humanity. Jesus teaches that, because we have been forgiven, we too should forgive others. Forgiving others also allows us to be set free.