What is your life?

Recording Date: 
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Speaker Name: 
David Knowles
Morning Service
james 4:12 - 5:6
James 4:13 - 5:6 At the heart of this passage and arguably lying at the heart of his whole letter James asks us to consider a very important question; what is your life? It’s a question that probes and challenges us perhaps in ways that are uncomfortable. We look around our lives what we have, what we really depend on; we consider our hearts, what excites us, encourages us. Somehow if we are honest we are never satisfied. So we set about making plans for tomorrow, plans to make things better, to bring satisfaction, perhaps to as James says make a profit. As Christians of course we know the orthodox answer must lie in our relationship with God, the security that is ours in Christ, and the fact that life, real life does not consist of the things we can see and touch but in the eternal security of life with Christ. James in this passage does really challenge us to consider however that our lives may not consist entirely of the things that really matter, but that almost without thinking or even realising we are building lives on sand and seeking to fill our barns so that life is secure and comfortable. James does not hesitate to say such behaviour is not only foolish it is sinful.