Easter Reader 2019

We are looking forward to celebrating Easter together.   What better way to prepare to do that than to bless one another with reflections on scripture that remind us of the very reason we come together, to worship and honour and serve a risen Saviour!

We are delighted again to have fresh contributions from new and familiar people.  We are hugely grateful to everyone who has taken the time to be a part of this project, and hope and pray that these reflections will provide a source of rich blessing to us all as we read them together.  

We will take time together over a period of 40 days to reflect on Our Lord’s Passion in all its fullness, and to journey with Him beyond the cross and beyond the tomb to witness His victorious post-resurrection appearances.  As we read these reflections together may we know the joy and peace that His disciples knew, as they were reconciled with their risen Messiah, and may we respond to His Great Commission!

Series Sermons

None of the sermons in this series are available to download yet.